Songs and Rhymes for tricky times!

It is time to stay safe, to be responsible and to look after each other the best way we can, we will get over those difficult times all together with strength and we will soon be enjoying the SPRING again 🙂

From MA we want you to enjoy these days as much as you can with your children, therefore we thought about giving you some resources to make everything a bit easier! Here you have a list of different songs and rhymes that we sing every day in MA. There is no need to be a professional singer as you can just sing the song by reading the lyrics and adding some rhythm!

Children love listening to us when we sing songs – it is a beautiful way to communicate too. We look at each others’ eyes, we build a stronger relationship and some songs could be related to what children are experiencing in their real lives. Here you have a list of different songs and rhymes that we sing every day in MA. There is no need to be a professional singer as you can just sing the song by reading the lyrics and adding some rhythm!

(Some songs can be found on internet – I encourage PARENTS to find them on “Spotify” and then deliver it to the children)

“Hammer Hammer” – this rhyme needs no melody, you will only need to sing the same paragraph in different voice tonalities adding some actions. You will sing the same paragraph 4 times: the first time with a normal voice tonality, the second time with a quiet voice tonality, the third time there will be no sound just your hands movements. Before singing the last paragraph you will count up to three and will sing the fourth time really LOUD!

Hammer, hammer, hammer (both hands in fists on top of each other),

Shake, shake, shake (shake both hands up and down),

Roll, roll, roll (both hands in fists rolling together),

Shh, shh, shh (finger on your mouth)

“Row, Row your Boat” – to sing this rhyme you can hold both of your child’s hands and row forwards and backwards as if you were in a boat.

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

And if you see the crocodile…

don’t forget to scream: aaaah!!!

“The Little Green Frog” – some children love this song and its actions. You will just need to stick your tongue out when it says “mmm-aah” and clap your hands when it says “shalala lala”!

Mmm-aah” said the little green frog one day,

Mmm-aah” said the little green frog…

Mmm-aah” said the little green frog one day,

and they all said “mmm-aah“!

But we know frogs go: “shalala lala”, “shalala lala” , “shalala lala”

we al know frogs go “shalala lala”

They don’t go “mmm-ahh”!

“The Sleeping Bunnies” – you will need to lay down when singing this song and pretend you are sleeping but as soon as you sing the last sentence you will jump up and keep on jumping until the end! Get ready to sing it and dance it more than just one time 😉

Little bunny sleeping til’ is nearly afternoon,

Shall we wake him with a merry tune?

He’s so still… is he ill?

Wake up soon! Wake up now!

Hop little bunny, hop, hop, hop

Hop little bunny, hop, hop, hop

Hop little bunny, hop, hop, hop

Hop and stop!

“Saco la Manita” – children enjoy listening to that song where they can see Paula’s hands appearing and disappearing. She begins with one hand, then the other hand and finally both hands disappear.

Saco una manita la hago bailar, la abro la cierro y la vuelvo a guardar,

Saco la otra manita la hago bailar, la abro, la cierro y la vuelvo a guardar,

Saco las dos manitas las hago bailar, las abro, las cierro, las vuelvo a guardar,

las abro, las cierro y las vuelvo a guardar.

“Había un caballo en el monte” – this Spanish song is about repetition and the actions used can vary, it is up to you!

Había un caballo en el monte que corría y que trotaba (x2)

Su pelo era castaño, su cola color marrón,

Corría por el monte, el buen caballo trotón.

Un día por el bosque una espina se clavó: ¡au! (x2)

Y como le dolía tanto, llamaron al doctor: ¡Doctor! (x2)

El Doctor vino corriendo y la espina le sacó, ¡fshhh! (x2)

Y trotando por el bosque se fue el caballo trotón. (x2)

“La Gallineta “ – we love listening to Irena when she sings that song and so do children when María sings it to them.

La gallineta pica, pica, pica

La gallineta camina a poc, a poc

La gallineta pica, pica, pica

La gallineta ha posat l’ou.

“Jo Tinc un Barret “ – this Catalan song is about putting a hat on and off – if you have anything you can put on your head and use it as a prop will make the song even more interesting!

Jo tinc un barret, jo me’l poso, jo me’l poso

Jo tinc un barret, jo me’l poso, jo me’l trec.

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