
MA. 0-3

It’s our space for children between 6 months and 2,5 years old. It’s located near the metro Fontana, 5 minutes walking from Ma. Encarnació.

Carrer de l’Encarnació, 23, 08012 Barcelona
(+34) 609 602 561

MA. 3-6

It’s our project for children between 2,5 and 6 years old. Based in a 2 floor house with a garden.

Carrer de l’Encarnació, 32, 08012 Barcelona
(+34) 609 602 561

If you want to contact with us you can use this form:

Or you can write us to:

info @

Phone number:

(+34) 609 602 561

Instagram / Facebook: @ma.espaieducatiu